VBA Count string occurrences

I believe this is the smallest and fastest function you will find over there
It behaves like an inStr extension, of where it’s based on.

  'Count the number of occurrences of one string inside another
  'Optional parameters:
  ' optCompare: 0=vbBinaryCompare (default) or 1=vbTextCompare
  ' start: Start position where search will begin, defaults to 1.
  'Version 1.0.0 100214 Marcelo Gennari
  Public Function inStrCount(haystack As String, needle As String, _
    Optional optCompare As Integer = 0, Optional start As Long = 1) As Long
   Dim lastFound As Long
   Dim lenNeedle As Integer
   Dim rtn As Long
   If haystack = "" Then Exit Function
   lenNeedle = Len(needle)
   lastFound = InStr(start, haystack, needle, optCompare)
   Do While lastFound > 0
    rtn = rtn + 1
    lastFound = InStr(lastFound + lenNeedle, haystack, needle, optCompare)
   inStrCount = rtn
  End Function

  Public Sub inStrCountTest()
   Debug.Print "Result x Expected = " & inStrCount("aca", "a") & " x 2"
   Debug.Print "Result x Expected = " & inStrCount("aaa", "a") & " x 3"
   Debug.Print "Result x Expected = " & inStrCount("aaccaaa", "aa") & " x 2"
   Debug.Print "Result x Expected = " & inStrCount("aaccaaaa", "aa") & " x 3"
   Debug.Print "Result x Expected = " & inStrCount("aaa", "aaaa") & " x 0"
  End Sub

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